Study in Australia




Australia has a disproportionately high number of universities listed among the world’s top 100. Expert professors, academic rigour of topics, and research facilities have given Australian institutions an international reputation. The country’s universities produce some of the world’s greatest research. Employability is a key benefit for students who pursue their degree courses in the nation. A degree from Australia is recognised across the world and may lead to a successful job.

All classes are conducted in English.

Students from India who study abroad in Australia benefit from the fact that the courses are taught in English, and the language of communication on and around the campus is English. Unlike countries such as France and Germany, where students are required to acquire at least a basic second language, students studying in Australia simply need to know English, which most Indian students already know.

Work while you study in Australia

International students in Australia are permitted to work part-time while pursuing their chosen course. When the academic semester is in session, students are allowed to work up to 20 hours per week on campus and off campus, and full time during vacations.

Students can study at Australian universities with their spouses or dependents.

One of the most compelling reasons to study in Australia is that it offers the unique benefit of enabling students’ spouses to accompany them while they take a course there. In some instances, the student’s parents can accompany him or her as guardians.


Australia’s Best Universities

Australia is home to some of the world’s best universities. The following is a list of Australia’s best universities.

Melbourne University is a public university in Melbourne, Australia.

The University of Melbourne, which was established in 1853, is one of Australia’s oldest institutions. The institution has a total of 42,000 students, with around 30% of them coming from other nations. The institution has a staff of over 6000 professors that are accessible to educate students in a variety of subjects. The institution has carved out a position for itself not just because of its academic brilliance, but also because of the high quality of research it produces.

Australian National University is a public research university in Canberra, Australia

The Australian National University was founded in the late 1940s with the intention of serving as a postgraduate research centre for the Australian parliament. The institution, which boasts a number of Nobel laureates among its alumni and staff, is a popular choice among international students studying in Australia.

The University of Sydney is located in Sydney, Australia.

The Institution of Sydney was the first university in Australia, having opened its doors in 1851. Nearly 40,000 students attend the institution, hailing from over 134 different countries across the world. The university holds the distinction of being the only one of its kind in the world.

Queensland University of Technology

The University of Queensland has a student body of over 42,000 students, with 12,000 students studying on a student visa. The college boasts the largest percentage of PhD students and is well-known for the outstanding quality of its research in a variety of fields. The university boasts a long list of notable graduates, including Oscar winners, Nobel laureates, and literary giants.


Monash University is a university in Melbourne, Australia.

Monash University is in the Australian city of Melbourne, which is part of the Victoria province. The institution boasts about 20,000 graduate students, many of whom have recently enrolled at the university.